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MUSEE GINZA から発信する新しい価値観に触れてください。

MUSEE GINZA_KawasakiBrandDesign は、銀座に残る数少ない近代建築の空間で、展覧会を開催しています。

思考力を掻き立てる Culture(文化・教養)をベースに、
① 歴史軸(歴史・伝統・記憶、未来展望) ② 都市空間(建築・空間・都市) ③ 現代世相(現代を反映した美術・観察と独自の視座・意志・新奇性)


The true charm of this gallery is the chance to bear witness to the progressive art scene, unique from other art museums. This gallery, home to three floors modeled after Western architecture, is a space that can host up to four artists’ exhibitions at any given time. Here, richly individualistic exhibits are held showing the fruits of an artist’s daily efforts of creation, offering a place to convey a new system of values. Please seek out your favorite works and enjoy the opportunity to meet the artists. Let us guide you to your new future.of art.


東京建築祭 「銀座歴史資料 -品格ある銀座-流儀と矜持その誕生を紐解く絵葉書」展


「東京の多彩な建築を体験し、楽しむ。 つくるひと、使うひと、守り継ぐひと-さまざまな思いに触れ、建築が身近になる。」というコンセプトで東京で初めて開催される大規模な都市建築公開イベント「東京建築祭」が、2024年5月開催されることが決定しました。新たな視点として、現代に息づくひとにもフォーカスを当て、世界的な名建築があふれる都市・東京のまちを発見する祭典です。

MUSEE GINZAは、東京建築祭のコンセプト・社会的意義に賛同し、この度参加させていただく運びとなりました。建築の公開に加え、良い機会ですので、(2017年当社100周年記念展で好評だった展示を再構成した)銀座の都市空間と建築史を紹介する企画展を開催します。


関東大震災の復興建築として竣工し、東京空襲を生き延び、93年の永きに亘り銀座の街を見つめてきた川崎ブランドデザインビルヂング(旧宮脇ビル)。老朽化で解体が決定していましたが、2013 年当社が取得、保存する判断を下しMUSEE GINZAギャラリーを開廊し早いもので11年が経ちました。




展示ディレクション MUSEE GINZA  川崎ブランドデザイン代表 川崎力宏



Purpose of the Exhibit

Experience and enjoy Tokyo’s diverse architecture. Experience and enjoy Tokyo’s diverse architecture, and experience the diverse thoughts of those who create, use, and preserve it, and become more familiar with architecture. The Tokyo Architecture Festival, the first large-scale public event of urban architecture to be held in Tokyo, will be held in May 2024. The Tokyo Architecture Festival is a festival to discover the city of Tokyo, a city full of world-famous architecture, from a new perspective, focusing also on the people who live and breathe in the modern age.

MUSEE GINZA agrees with the concept and social significance of the Tokyo Architecture Festival and is pleased to participate. In addition to the public viewing of the architecture, we are taking this good opportunity to hold a special exhibition (reorganized from the well-received exhibition at our 100th anniversary exhibition in 2017) to introduce Ginza’s urban space and architectural history.

The Kawasaki Brand Design Building (formerly the Miyawaki Building) was completed as a reconstruction building after the Great Kanto Earthquake, survived the Tokyo Air Raids, and has been watching over Ginza for 93 long years. The building was scheduled for demolition due to its age, but in 2013, MUSEE GINZA made the decision to acquire it and preserve it, opening the MUSEE GINZA GALLERY 11 years later.

After the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, Showa-dori Avenue was newly developed by Shinpei Goto in his urban planning, with Paris, France as a reference. This building is one of the first concrete office buildings in Japan built on a corner lot facing Showa-dori. With its composite structure with wooden floors at the dawn of reinforced concrete construction, scratch tile variant, and beautiful exterior with decorative tiles, it is highly regarded as a pioneer of commercial buildings in Ginza, and is currently being prepared with Chuo Ward for registration as an Important Cultural Property.

Ginza is not simply a commercial district crowded with luxury brand stores, but a district overflowing with dignity that has continued from the Meiji era to the modern era of 2025. The merchants who have continued to do business in Ginza have studied and maintained its style and pride, and have sometimes boldly updated it. The merchants’ sales floors, the architecture of their main stores, and store designs have come to fruition, shaping the spaces of Ginza.

The attraction of Ginza’s urban space, backed by history, is introduced using old postcards (37 panels, explanatory text, and 30 newly collected postcards) that show the architecture and urban space as it was in each period.


Exhibition Direction    Rikihiro Kawasaki, Representative of MUSEE GINZA /Kawasaki Brand Design Inc.




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 ーファセッテイングー 村上貴一 建築展


関東大震災の復興建築として竣工し、東京空襲を生き延び、91年の永きに亘り銀座の街を見つめてきた川崎ブランドデザインビルヂング(旧五十鈴商会)。老朽化で解体が決定していましたが、2013 年当社が取得、保存する判断を下しMUSEE GINZAギャラリーを開廊し早いもので10年が経ちました。


2023年12月、MUSEE GINZAの新施設となるアートコンテナを、千葉県南房総市に新築しました。銀座ギャラリーのアネックスとして、現代アート作品の保管を中心に、プライベート展示、取引の場として活用する斬新なファサードの現代建築となりました。本展では、試行錯誤を経て実現したアートコンテナのプロジェクトを初公開します。





MUSEE GINZAのアートコンテナ計画は、ゼロから新築する計画で、店舗デザインを始め国内で引き手数多のプロジェクトが進行する建築士の村上貴一さんと協同で約2年かけて実現しました。かつて安房の国と呼ばれ、鎌倉時代の城跡など歴史遺産が残る立地で、古神社の森林と崖に隣接する国道127号線沿いの狭小地に、最先端を感じる斬新なアートコンテナが出現しました。





『faceting(ファセッティング)』とは、宝石加工に用いられる言葉で、原石を磨いていく過程で小さな平面を作りながら多面体に仕上げていく工程を示します。建築計画のプロセスにおいても、周辺環境やお施主様のご要望 などの与条件を敷地に当てはめながら、建築のあるべき姿を立体的に削りだしていく過程が『faceting』と通じるように感じます。


             村上 貴一  


村上貴一 眼鏡のまち福井県鯖江市生まれ。設計事務所勤務を経て村上貴一一級建築士事務所設立

展覧会フライヤーダウンロード Exhibion Brosher download


東京建築祭 「銀座歴史資料 -品格ある銀座-流儀と矜持その誕生を紐解く絵葉書」展


「東京の多彩な建築を体験し、楽しむ。 つくるひと、使うひと、守り継ぐひと-さまざまな思いに触れ、建築が身近になる。」というコンセプトで東京で初めて開催される大規模な都市建築公開イベント「東京建築祭」が、2024年5月開催されることが決定しました。新たな視点として、現代に息づくひとにもフォーカスを当て、世界的な名建築があふれる都市・東京のまちを発見する祭典です。

MUSEE GINZAは、東京建築祭のコンセプト・社会的意義に賛同し、この度参加させていただく運びとなりました。建築の公開に加え、良い機会ですので、(2017年当社100周年記念展で好評だった展示を再構成した)銀座の都市空間と建築史を紹介する企画展を開催します。


関東大震災の復興建築として竣工し、東京空襲を生き延び、93年の永きに亘り銀座の街を見つめてきた川崎ブランドデザインビルヂング(旧宮脇ビル)。老朽化で解体が決定していましたが、2013 年当社が取得、保存する判断を下しMUSEE GINZAギャラリーを開廊し早いもので11年が経ちました。




展示ディレクション MUSEE GINZA  川崎ブランドデザイン代表 川崎力宏



Purpose of the Exhibit

Experience and enjoy Tokyo’s diverse architecture. Experience and enjoy Tokyo’s diverse architecture, and experience the diverse thoughts of those who create, use, and preserve it, and become more familiar with architecture. The Tokyo Architecture Festival, the first large-scale public event of urban architecture to be held in Tokyo, will be held in May 2024. The Tokyo Architecture Festival is a festival to discover the city of Tokyo, a city full of world-famous architecture, from a new perspective, focusing also on the people who live and breathe in the modern age.

MUSEE GINZA agrees with the concept and social significance of the Tokyo Architecture Festival and is pleased to participate. In addition to the public viewing of the architecture, we are taking this good opportunity to hold a special exhibition (reorganized from the well-received exhibition at our 100th anniversary exhibition in 2017) to introduce Ginza’s urban space and architectural history.

The Kawasaki Brand Design Building (formerly the Miyawaki Building) was completed as a reconstruction building after the Great Kanto Earthquake, survived the Tokyo Air Raids, and has been watching over Ginza for 93 long years. The building was scheduled for demolition due to its age, but in 2013, MUSEE GINZA made the decision to acquire it and preserve it, opening the MUSEE GINZA GALLERY 11 years later.

After the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, Showa-dori Avenue was newly developed by Shinpei Goto in his urban planning, with Paris, France as a reference. This building is one of the first concrete office buildings in Japan built on a corner lot facing Showa-dori. With its composite structure with wooden floors at the dawn of reinforced concrete construction, scratch tile variant, and beautiful exterior with decorative tiles, it is highly regarded as a pioneer of commercial buildings in Ginza, and is currently being prepared with Chuo Ward for registration as an Important Cultural Property.

Ginza is not simply a commercial district crowded with luxury brand stores, but a district overflowing with dignity that has continued from the Meiji era to the modern era of 2025. The merchants who have continued to do business in Ginza have studied and maintained its style and pride, and have sometimes boldly updated it. The merchants’ sales floors, the architecture of their main stores, and store designs have come to fruition, shaping the spaces of Ginza.

The attraction of Ginza’s urban space, backed by history, is introduced using old postcards (37 panels, explanatory text, and 30 newly collected postcards) that show the architecture and urban space as it was in each period.


Exhibition Direction    Rikihiro Kawasaki, Representative of MUSEE GINZA /Kawasaki Brand Design Inc.




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