


 銀座レトロギャラリーMUSEE(ミュゼ)の企画展「MUSEE exhibitions」。 海外をはじめとした経験・背景から、信念を持ち意欲的に創作する 気鋭作家を紹介するシリーズです。2016年は空間構成から体験をアートとする「インスタレーション」にフォーカスを当てます。現代の世相を反映しつつ、未来志向の実験的、イノベーティブなプロセスを通じて、独自の価値観の提示に挑みます。戦前から残る近代建築との対照性にもご注目ください。

MUSEE exhibitions  is a comprehensive design exhibition by Ginza Retro Gallery MUSEE. This series serves to introduce bold artists producing works with ambition and conviction rooted in experiences and environments both in Japan and abroad. MUSEE exhibitions focuses on installations that use spatial organization to turn personal experiences into art. Through experimental processes that reflect modern times while looking toward the future, MUSEE exhibitions strives to present a unique worldview. Please take care to note as well the contrast with the modern architecture that lingers from pre-war days.








 鹿野裕介 展 「銀座 生存のプログラム」~対岸の火事を眺める私の眼差し~ 


美術を学ぶため明星大学 造形芸術学部に進み、木材・石・金属といった自然素材と、人の生活や営みが感じられる人工物を組み合わせた インスタレーション作品を中心に発表。 20歳の頃、母親が逝去。「自分も早死するのなら、短い人生やりたいことをやろう」と美術家になることを決意しました。翌年発表した「漂い流るる千注の時」(2014)では、葬式で目にした線香が燃え煙をあげる姿に、母との記憶が走馬灯のように蘇り、それを重ねあわせ表現しました。




 この度、銀座レトロギャラリーMUSEE(ミュゼ)の企画展、MUSEE exhibitions、2016年 最初の展覧会では、鹿野裕介が描き出す銀座像を展開します。展示に際し、舞台となる銀座の歴史を紐解き、これまで2度の大火と関東大震災、東京空襲を経て、時代と共に新陳代謝を繰り返す都市とそれを取り巻く人々に注目しました。




Yusuke Shikano exhibition

“A program for the survival of Ginza: My take on things that are someone else’s problem,” 

 Yusuke Shikano is an artist who makes artwork exploring the shadows that lurk in the environments and things that surround contemporary men and women. Born to parents who were both part of the Japan Self-Defense Forces, Yusuke Shikano changed schools many times during his childhood and grew up in environments where it was difficult to make friends. During those years, he developed an eye for perceiving the adult world. His creative work is based on his childhood experiences sitting silently drawing mazes by hand.

Going on to study at art school, Yusuke Shikano started to create installations that combined natural materials—wood, stone, and metal—with man-made objects.

The artist’s mother passed away when he was 20. Feeling that “if you’re going to die early, you might as well do what you really want to do,” he turned his ambitions to becoming an artist.“TADAYOI NAGARURU SENCYU no TOKI (2014), ”which he exhibited the following year, was an expression of the memories of time spent with his mother that he had felt in the rising incense smoke that he observed at her funeral.

In his graduation piece “ MIENU SONZAI (2015), ”which was created through painstaking labor and effort, Yusuke Shikano took a look at memories and people associated with the school building when the art department was reorganized. He created a clump of books that reflect the spirit mixed with soil, a physical entity that reflects the existence of people as shadows. The piece created a striking impression and was awarded the first prize.

We can catch a glimpse of the basic paradigm of a promising artist of the future in the way that Yusuke Shikano absorbs diverse values and the social environments of contemporary men and women.


This exhibition presents Shikano’s image of Ginza and unravels the history of the very part of town where the exhibition is being presented. The artist focuses attention on the city that repeatedly renews itself, having experienced two catastrophes in the past—the Great Kanto Earthquake with its subsequent conflagration and then the air raids of WWII— together with the people who find themselves surrounded by all this.

As can be sensed from the title, “A program for the survival of Ginza: My take on things that are someone else’s problem,” the artist’s take on his subject matter is not exactly cheery. He views Ginza, this place that has become agitated with floods of tourists and the upturn in the economy as we approach the 2020 Olympics, with a cynical eye. Are conflagrations repeated through history? We invite you to view Yusuke Shikano’s Ginza, a Ginza fraught with risk.


「銀座 生存のプログラム」~対岸の火事を眺める私の眼差し~





     1992年 岐阜県可児市 生まれ 東京都板橋区と練馬区で幼少期を過ごす

2002年 神奈川県横須賀市 〜 埼玉県川越市と転居

2011年 明星大学 造形芸術学部 入学

    制作資金の調達ために 肉の万世 にてアルバイトを始める

    都内を中心に20の展示に参加(うち 個展4回を開催)

2015年 卒業制作展で最優秀賞を受賞し卒業



2016年 初の銀座での展覧会を開催













本日2016年1月7日(木)よりMUSEE exhibitions 003 鹿野裕介 展 「銀座 生存のプログラム」~対岸の火事を眺める私の眼差し~、がスタートしました。









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